Affiliated Organisations
Affiliated Organisations (AOs) are groups of party members that share a particular belief, interest or cause.

Serious about winning? Campaigning Liberal Democrats join ALDC.
We provide advice, resources and training to for Liberal Democrat Councillors and campaigners. Evidence from across the country shows those who join ALDC are more likely to hold their council seats. Visit our website to learn about what we do and how it can help you.

Campaign for Race Equality
The Liberal Democrat Campaign for Race Equality (LDCRE) seeks changes in society to bring an end to racism in all its forms, working in partnership with like-minded organisations and the harnessing the ideals and determination of our Party, to achieve the equal right of BAME individuals to live their lives free from discrimination, and to break out of the straitjacket of stereotype so often imposed by the majority.

Chinese Liberal Democrats
The Chinese Liberal Democrats (CLD) was formed to promote closer links between the Party and the Chinese and South East Asian community in the UK.

Green Liberal Democrats
Green Liberal Democrats is the campaign group of party members interested in promoting and campaigning for our environmental policies.
Green Liberal Democrats help the party to set policy and campaign on important environmental issues like investing in renewable energy, improving public transport and helping people to insulate their homes.

Humanist and Secularist Liberal Democrats
HSLD is for all Liberal Democrats, of all faiths and none, who seek a humane and rational approach to public ethical issues, and an end to privilege and discrimination based on religion or belief.

LGBT+ Liberal Democrats
LGBT+ Lib Dems is the Liberal Democrats' party organisation committed to promoting the policies of sexual and gender minorities - including gay men, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people - and to ensuring that the party's policies address their needs.

Liberal Democrat Disability Association
Liberal Democrat Disability Association campaigns within the party to ensure that disability is thought about rather than being an afterthought.
LDDA (Lib Dem Disability Association) is open to all members of the party, who may have disabilities, be carers, or be interested in disability.

Liberal Democrat European Group
The Liberal Democrat European Group (LDEG) is an associated organisation of the Liberal Democrats promoting the case for our continued EU membership inside and outside the party, and providing a forum for understanding the European Union (EU) and European issues.

Liberal Democrats for Electoral Reform
LDER is the party's campaigns hub for achieving fair, equal votes. The Liberal Democrats are the longstanding leaders in this campaign and we deserve and need to lead the way.
We are producing campaigning materials for local activists and parties. Write to us on for details.
Also, we work closely with party leadership to ensure the right positioning and messaging on fair votes; and we reach out across party internal channels to update and motivate members.
LDER also engages pro-actively, beyond the party, with reform organisations and reformers in other political parties to accelerate the drive for change.
Go to to join us and sign up for our newsletters.

Liberal Democrat Friends of Hong Kong
LD Friends of Hong Kong is an association representing the Liberal Democrats membership with British-Hongkongers and those with a close interest in Hong Kong affairs. We promote the democratic movements in Hong Kong to the public in the United Kingdom, within and outside the Liberal Democrats.
We also campaign in support of Liberal Democrats candidates and seek to empower potential candidates endorsed by the party. We believe in the promotion of liberal democracy, advocating for free and just policies and topical issues of concern from its members.

Liberal Democrat Friends of Palestine
LDFP fights for the rights of the Palestinian People, for immediate recognition of Palestine as a State and for the human rights of Palestinians as defined in international law.

Liberal Democrat Friends of the Armed Forces
Lib Dem Friends of the Armed forces is an organisation dedicated to representing former and current members of the armed forces who are party members. The Lib Dems have a proud tradition of supporting our armed forces, with former party leader Paddy Ashdown serving in the Royal Marines.
Find them on

Liberal Democrat Women
The Women’s Organisation of the Liberal Democrats, working to eliminate all discrimination based on gender.
LDW is organised as a network across regions and local parties, and is run by an elected Executive who oversees four autonomous working groups headed by executive members. We focus on the issues that you tell us are important through regular surveys and updates. We also concentrate on training and mentoring women candidates.

Liberal International (British Group)
Liberal International (British Group) is part of the world federation of liberal political parties - Liberal International.
The British Group of Liberal International publicises the work of Liberal International, arranges overseas visits, provides hospitality for visiting liberals, and produces regular newsletters.

Operation Social Equality
More information coming soon...

Lib Dem Friends of Ukraine
A relatively new AO of the Liberal Democrats emerged out of the need to defend the liberty and freedom of Ukraine. We advocate for Ukraine to be given military/humanitarian aid & support refugees Enquiries & to join:

Young Liberals
Young Liberals is the youth and student wing of the Lib Dems. We operate independently from the party with our own policy platform, events, training and campaigns.
We provide opportunities for young people to campaign for the party, and we act as a radical pressure group within the party. We also provide opportunities to travel both abroad and in the UK to get involved with a wide community of young liberals.

Liberal Democrat Christian Forum
We believe that our faith should lead us to engage in the world of politics. We are passionate about many issues including social justice, the environment, freedom of conscience, international development, and the treatment of refugees. We welcome members from across the spectrum of Christian faith as well as those of other faiths and none. We join together to have a louder voice. Please join us and make your voice heard.
In addition to our Affilated Organisations, we have two diversity campaign groups, the Campaign for Gender Balance and the Racial Diversity Campaign, you can learn more about them here.