Conference Final Tuesday 17 September Autumn Conference Brighton 2024 PLAINTEXT Report back for Tuesday 17 September F38 Emergency motion: Implementing the Recommendations of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry Phase 2 Report Passed F39 Policy motion: The Clean Water Authority Passed (Amendment One passed) F40 Reports: Parliamentary Parties Received F41 Policy motion: Tackling Child Poverty Passed F42 Policy motion: A Fair Deal for Family Carers Passed (Amendments One and Two passed) For the text of motions and amendments, please refer to the Autumn 2024 Conference Agenda and Conference Daily for Tuesday 16 September. You can find the speech by Ed Davey MP, Leader of the Liberal Democrats, here: Conference timetable Spring 2025 21-23 March 2025, Harrogate Drafting advice deadline (motions) 13.00 Wednesday, 18 December 2024 Motions deadline 13.00 Wednesday, 15 January 2025 Drafting advice deadline (amendments, emergency motions) 13.00 Monday, 24 February 2025 Deadline for amendments to motions, emergency motions, topical issues, questions to reports 13.00 Monday, 10 March 2025