Ian Bailey

Candidate for Aberdeenshire North and Moray East

General Election - 4 July 2024

Ian Bailey

Ian Bailey is the Scottish Liberal Democrats candidate for Aberdeenshire North and Moray East. Ian lives in New Pitsligo in central Buchan with his wife Sonia and their two children. 

Originally from Lancashire, Ian and the family fulfilled a life-long ambition to settle in Scotland in 2021. Ian works as a commercial consultant in the food industry, and for more than 20 years has worked with producers in the UK and Europe to sell food into supermarkets, restaurants and wholesalers.

Ian and his wife Sonia have transformed the former Bank of Scotland building in New Pitsligo to open a stationers and gift shop, supporting local crafters and artisans with selling space for their products.

Ian previously lived on Teesside where he was an elected town councilor, and was the Liberal Democrats candidate in Troup ward for the Aberdeenshire council elections in 2022.

Ian says. "The North East has so much to offer - farming, fishing, energy, and tourism. But we need a voice to take our needs and our issues to Westminster and beyond, not just to be left forgotten as we have been by the Tories and SNP."

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