Daniel O'Malley

Candidate for Glasgow North

General Election - 4 July 2024

Daniel O'Malley

Daniel is an experienced political campaigner and is committed to fighting for the rights of people across Scotland. He was raised in Glasgow before attending the University of Aberdeen where he studied Politics and International Relations. It was in Aberdeen he became active in politics, campaigning for Scotland’s place in the United Kingdom during the 2014 Independence referendum.

Over his career, Daniel has worked at the forefront of politics in Scotland and the United Kingdom. He has worked in both political offices helping constituents with issues facing them and on political campaigns. Following the 2015 General Election, he undertook further education at the University of Glasgow where he earned a Masters in Political Communications.

Following his Masters, Daniel worked at the University of Glasgow as a researcher and teaching assistant in political science. Next, he moved to the John Smith Centre which promotes trust in politics, politicians, and political institutions by providing young people from underrepresented communities internships in the Scottish Parliament and Third Sector.

Currently, Daniel works advocating for people living with diabetes in Scotland where he secured generational changing funding from the Scottish Government to improve our NHS. He is committed to standing up for those whose voices are not always heard in our country.

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