Craig Woolmer

Candidate for Kingston upon Hull North and Cottingham

General Election - 4 July 2024

Craig Woolmer

Craig Woolmer is the Liberal Democrats’ candidate for Kingston upon Hull North and Cottingham. Craig moved to Hull in 2006 to study at the University of Hull and lived in the Newland Avenue, Beverley High Road and Avenues areas for more than 15 years.

Professionally, Craig is a chartered town planner with real world experience in delivering development and regeneration projects, having previously worked for a regeneration partnership. Craig was a councillor in Hull between 2008 and 2012 and was part of the team that worked to bring the Siemens investment in renewable energy to the city.

Craig’s top priority in Hull North and Cottingham is to fight for a fair deal for local residents with action to tackle the cost of living crisis, fighting for our local NHS, and fighting for the investment that our city deserves.

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