Linda Johnson
Candidate for Kingston upon Hull West and Haltemprice
General Election - 4 July 2024
Linda is a councillor on the East Riding of Yorkshire Council and is regarded as a strong, hardworking campaigner who sticks up for her residents wherever she sees inequality or unfairness, whether that be in health or social
care, education or economically.
With a varied career in the NHS, pharmaceutical industry, complementary therapy, print media and now local government, Linda has real-world experience which too many career politicians lack. She is renown for getting things done.
Linda is a Methodist local preacher and safeguarding officer. She is married with 2 children and 4 grandchildren. Her mother is 95 and has recently moved to live in a care home, so Linda is well-aware of the organisational difficulties of not having a joined-up and properly-funded NHS and care system. Ensuring careworkers are properly paid and recognised for their professionalism is also important to Linda.
Linda is equally concerned about underfunded schools and SEND; insufficient mental health support; the cost-of-living crisis and taxation which benefits the rich rather than the poor; the climate emergency and our polluted environment.
Linda’s passion for fairness has seen her become a White Ribbon Champion (which aims to stop violence against women and girls) and a campaigner against Domestic Violence Awareness and Modern Slavery. Alongside her green credentials as a Green Liberal Democrat, Linda will provide the strong voice West Hull and Haltemprice needs.
Get in touch
Phone number
Office address
- Hull Liberal Democrats, 45 Allderidge Avenue, Hull HU5 4EG
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I'm voting Liberal Democrat
On 4 July, I'm voting Liberal Democrat for a fair deal.