Hamish Taylor

Candidate for Stirling and Strathallan

General Election - 4 July 2024

Hamish Taylor

A strategic business consultant working from a small farm outside Dollar. A chemist from the University of Edinburgh, Hamish lived in Japan and the USA, before returning to Scotland in 2007 and has since been driving the sustainability agenda of leading multinational companies at home and abroad.

He has spent the last few months travelling the length and breadth of the Stirling and Strathallan constituency, connecting with local Community Councils from Croftamie to Auchterarder and everywhere in between. The passion of local people to work together to make a difference has been genuinely inspiring.

Hamish is passionate about supporting small businesses and farmers in the positive contribution they can make to our society, our communities, and our environment. Liberal in his values, Democratic in his beliefs, Hamish is new to politics but determined to make a difference to voters throughout Stirling and Strathallan. He shares the view that “politics as usual” is not serving our needs and wants to be known for his practical approach to making a positive impact – something he has done with great success for his clients in his business career.

Married to a fellow Scot, with two adult children and two young grandsons, when not working Hamish looks after his own farm, and has a passion for photography and sustainability.

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