Anthony Lowe

Candidate for The Wrekin

General Election - 4 July 2024

Anthony Lowe

For the past 9 years, I have been a Wellington Town Councillor and was Mayor in 2019-2020. I have a real connection with The Wrekin constituency as a resident since 1990 and have experience of both the industrial aspects of the success that is Telford and the rural community as a smallholder living next to a dairy farm. I aspire to be a listening MP, available to all constituents, and to be The Wrekin's man in Westminster. I am an "internationalist" who has taken an active interest in politics for over 30 years and moved from Conservative to LibDem in September 2019 when I found that I could not support the new Prime Minister (Johnson). I have found my political home and wish to represent my co-constituents in Parliament in a way that I do not feel that they have been represented over the past 19 years.

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On 4 July, I'm voting Liberal Democrat for a fair deal.

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