Parmjit Singh Gill

Candidate for West Bromwich

General Election - 4 July 2024

Parmjit Singh Gill

Parmjit Singh Gill is the Liberal Democrat candidate for West Bromwich and is married with two teenage children. He was born and grew up in the Midlands where he has lived and worked for most of his life. Parmjit says;

‘Politics is broken with the current two-party system and political reform is much needed in this country. People have lost confidence and trust in politicians and want their vote to count and effect meaningful change. I strongly advocate for a Proportional Representation system of voting and allowing 16 and 17-year-olds the right to vote. The fact that so many MPs are career politicians means Westminster is out of touch with the real world.’

Parmjit has worked in the private, public and charity sectors and currently works in the Education sector for Leicester University. He has the breadth of knowledge and experience to fully understand the challenges people are facing every day with the cost-of-living crisis.

In the past Parmjit has served as a Councillor on Leicester City Council between 2003-2011, and Cabinet member between 2004-2007 leading on Health and Social care. Improving local healthcare and lifting families out of poverty are amongst his key priorities.

As a Cabinet Member he drove decisions in the Council that led to an Equal Pay review to help ensure the injustice of women being paid less than men for equivalent jobs, was finally addressed.

He is a strong, hard-working campaigner who has been involved with numerous national campaigns.

In the late 80’s and 90’s he served on the National Executive of the Hackney Alliance for Sensible Taxi Legislation and Enforcement (HASTLE) representing over 100,000 taxi drivers. Notably, he campaigned for the licensing of a range of vehicles as Hackney Carriages breaking the monopoly that had previously been enjoyed by just two companies.

He served on the National Executive of the Anti-Racist Alliance (ARA) in the 90’s when the group led the fight for justice following the racist murder of the Black teenager, Stephen Lawrence in 1993.

In 2010 he travelled to the United Arab Emirates to help secure a re-trial of 17 Indian Nationals who had been given a death sentence after a wrongful conviction. Following the successful re-trial all 17 were eventually freed.

Parmjit also campaigned very hard for an independent judge led enquiry when archived documentation emerged in 2014 revealing that the UK had played a part in the 1984 Indian military attack on the Harmandir Sahib (Golden Temple). He lobbied then Prime Minister David Cameron and Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg who was a colleague.

I’m standing to give West Bromwich an opportunity to elect a strong voice in Parliament and an MP who will fight for the area, tackle injustice and run weekly surgeries for constituents.

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