Complaints & Safeguarding
Here you will find information on making complaints, our external and internal complaint procedures, safeguarding policies, and general support.
Making a Complaint
Our independent complaints system is here to resolve serious issues within our party.
Our complaints system is run by dedicated volunteers who give up their time to investigate, resolve and decide what to do about complaints.
The options below aim to help you decide whether to submit a complaint, what your options are, and - if you choose to do so - how to prepare effectively.
If you would like to get in touch about issues of policy, please click here.
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Our Commitment
Once you've sent us a complaint, here's what happens next:
- We will first ensure the complaint can be accepted. There are various reasons why some complaints might not progress, such as the complaint not being against an active party member
- If accepted, the Standards Officer will refer your complaint to the Lead Adjudicator and Senior Adjudicator for review
- The Standards Office will also email the respondent to let them know a complaint has been raised against them
- A decision will be made regarding whether the respondent’s membership should be suspended
- After a complaint is taken forwards, there are three possible routes: an informal resolution, the Standard Formal Process, or the Expedited Procedure
- To see what comes next and learn our process in greater detail, check out the complaints procedures in full here
The safeguarding information available here should shed light on our procedures, as well as provide guidance on reporting allegations.
The vast majority of people who work with under 18s/vulnerable adults are well motivated and would never harm them.
Unfortunately, a few do, and it's essential that the Party creates a culture which enables all those who work for and with us to be comfortable voicing their concerns, particularly those about someone with whom they work or who they know personally.
Where there are valid concerns, it is important that the procedure is followed and, if necessary, the Party’s internal processes are also commenced at the same time.
Learn more about our safeguarding policies and how to fill out a concern form here.
Support for Members
Member’s health and wellbeing is our highest priority and we are always looking for ways we can enhance the support we provide. That’s why the party has partnered with Able Futures, as well as providing all members access to the Health Assured Support Helpline (0800 028 0199). For further details, please see here.
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