Implementing the Lessons of the General Election Review
Constitutional amendment
Submitted by: 12 members.
Mover: Tim Farron MP (Chair of the General Election Review)
Summation: Paul Farthing.
Conference notes that:
- The 2024 General Election Review has recommended that major changes are needed to our Westminster candidate processes in order for us to better support candidates and win more elections.
- As the Review found, in practice due to shared resources, volunteers and staff support, the Welsh and Scottish state parties have to follow many of the same rules and processes agreed by the English state party but do not currently have any input into those decisions.
- The Federal Constitution currently gives the Federal Party responsibility for “overall preparations for [Westminster] Parliamentary … Elections” in Article 2.3, but candidate approval and selection rests with each of the three State Parties.
- Splitting off Westminster candidate approval and selection from the main organisation of our Parliamentary election campaigns risks the support, mentoring and selection of candidates being siloed off from our main election work.
Conference therefore believes that:
- As our candidates are such an essential part of any election campaign, the party body responsible for running general election campaigns should also be responsible for the candidate process, just as is already the case for Holyrood and Senedd elections as well as local elections.
- All three State Parties should have parity of esteem, with all three having an equal input into the decision making.
- There should be full support for our candidates system from the Federal Party, including dedicated staff support.
- Our commitment to improving the party’s diversity, and particularly to tackling the under-representation of ethnic minorities, means the Vice President responsible for working with ethnic minority communities, elected by party members, should have direct input into the candidate process.
- A co-ordinated, planned timetable for selections will enable better use of volunteer time to help run them, will enable more action to be taken to improve the diversity of our candidates and will enable better planning for and provision of training for newly selected candidates.
- Training of approved and selected candidates is essential for their, and the party’s, success.
- There should be clear and direct accountability for the management of our candidate process, including via the party’s sovereign body, Federal Conference.
Conference therefore agrees to amend the Federal Constitution as follows:
In Article 2.3(c) after “Elections” insert: “, including arrangements for candidate approval and selection”.
In Article 13.4 delete the text regarding the composition of the Joint Candidates Sub-Committee by deleting:
“shall include one representative, with a power of substitution, from each of the State Candidates Committees. The Chair of the JCSC shall be appointed by the FCEC from amongst its members”
and insert:
“shall comprise:
- the Chair of the JCSC who shall be appointed by the FCEC;
- one representative, with a power of substitution, from each of the State Candidates Committees;
- one person elected by the FCEC from amongst its members;
- the Vice President responsible for working with ethnic minority communities; and
- the Chief Whip in the House of Commons.”
In Article 13.4 delete:
“a. The JCSC shall maintain oversight of the Party’s readiness to field candidates in all elections to the Westminster and European Parliaments and shall co-ordinate the maintenance of standards and the performance of the functions specified in Article 19.1 and 19.7, including for the first elections to the House of Lords (or any fully or partially elected replacement second chamber of the Westminster Parliament).”
“b. If it is not possible for there to be an appropriate constitutional amendment before the first elections to the House of Lords (or any fully or partially elected replacement second chamber of the Westminster Parliament), the procedures to be adopted for the purposes of article 19.1 shall be based as far as possible on the provisions of clauses 19.4 and 19.8 as appropriate. It shall receive reports from States Candidates Committees to that end.”
and insert:
“13.5 The JCSC shall set the standards and processes for, and maintain oversight of, the Party’s readiness to train and field candidates in all elections to the Westminster and European Parliaments as well as any public elections to the House of Lords or its successor. In order to do this, for these elections the JCSC’s functions shall be:
- to make provision for there to be lists of approved candidates;
- to maintain and publish criteria for approval and to ensure, so far as possible, their consistent application;
- to make and from time-to-time to vary rules for the selection and adoption of prospective candidates, including provisions for deselection;
- to co-ordinate and regulate the procedure for the selection and adoption of candidates; and
- to provide training for Returning Officers, approved candidates and selected candidates.
In carrying out these roles, it shall consult with State Candidates Committees.”
In Article 13.4 renumber (c) as Article 13.6 and capitalise the first letter of “article”.
Insert new Article 13.7: “The FCEC report to conference shall include the work of the JCSC.”
Delete the wording of Article 19.1 and insert: “Each State Party shall establish a Candidates Committee in order to carry out its responsibilities for elections to the Westminster and European Parliaments as well as any elections to the House of Lords or its successor, including implementing the requirements set under Article 13.5. These Candidates Committees shall also have responsibility for candidate approval and selection for elections to any devolved Parliament or Senedd within the State Party’s area.”
In Article 19.2 after “each State Candidates Committee shall” insert: “follow the requirements set under Article 13.5 and shall”.
Delete the wording of Article 19.2 (b) and insert: “the previous participation by the applicant in the work of the Party, both generally and within the relevant State, as well as their previous participation in other walks of life.”
In Article 19.3 delete: “The name of any person may be removed from a list by the relevant State Candidates Committee if” and insert: “The name of any person may only be removed from a list by the relevant State Candidates Committee by following the requirements set under Article 13.5 and if”.
In Article 19.3 delete the two references to “as an MP or MEP” and insert: “in the public office for which they have been approved as a candidate”
In Article 19.4 delete: “The rules for the selection of Westminster candidates shall comply with” and insert: “The rules for the selection of Westminster candidates made by the JCSC shall comply with”.
Delete the wording of Article 19.4(j)(iii) and insert: “notice as to how ballot papers and/or electronic voting instructions will be distributed, including if applicable how to apply for a postal vote”.
Delete Article 19.7(b), renumber Article 19.7(a) as Article 19.5, and renumber other articles accordingly, including the cross-reference in Article 13.6.
In Article 19.8 delete: “The rules for selecting the lists of candidates ” and insert: “The rules for selecting the lists of candidates made by the JCSC”.
Conference further notes that implementing these changes will require agreement by the State Parties under Article 2.10(c) and encourages them to give their assent as soon as practical this year.
Applicability: Federal.
Amendment One
Submitted by: 12 members
Mover: Cllr Chris White
Summation: Baroness Grender
After line 1 insert:
A. State and Regional Candidate Chairs, their committees and the other volunteers supporting their work are the backbone to our Westminster candidate system. They are central to our efforts as a party to find and support candidates and we are grateful for their continued hard work.
B. We recognise the need to create the best possible Westminster candidate system for our State and Regional Candidate Chairs, their committees and other volunteers to operate within and for them to receive the best possible support.
After line 45 insert:
8. It is for local party members to determine who their Liberal Democrat candidate is in Westminster elections. There is no proposed change to this. As is currently the case, the responsibility to decide who is a Liberal Democrat Westminster candidate in each constituency will continue to rest with local party members.
9. The delivery of our Westminster candidate function depends on the vital work of our Regional Candidates Committees (in England) and State Candidate Committees in England, Scotland and Wales and their other volunteers. There is no proposed change to this. As is currently the case; these committees and volunteers will continue to deliver their important work and, for Regional Candidates Chairs in England, continue to sit on the State Candidate Committee.
At the end of line 100, insert:
In carrying out its role under (d), the JCSC shall establish a Consultative Group, including representatives from each State Candidates Committee, who may include one or more Chairs of Candidate Committees created by Regional Parties. The Consultative Group shall offer advice to the JCSC, and the JCSC shall respond to any advice offered.
Amendment Two
Submitted by: Liberal Democrat Women
Mover: Helen Cllr Donna Harris
Summation: tba
After line 19, insert:
E. Despite making up 51% of the population, women only made up 28% of Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidates in the General Election: a lower percentage than the Conservative, Labour, and Green parties.
At the end of line 35, insert: ‘... and diversity must be embedded into the candidates process and made a key priority’.
After line 35, insert new 5.:
5. Recognising the significant underrepresentation of women among Liberal Democrat candidates, it is essential to take action to enhance their representation both within the candidate pool and across the party as a whole.
After line 45, insert new 9.:
9. Clearly defined metrics help to create an open and transparent working environment, while acting as a motivator for Local Parties and candidates.
After line 98, insert new f. and g.:
f. To develop and implement candidate diversity action plans, led by the Vice President responsible for working with ethnic minority communities.
g. To produce clearly communicated, realistic workload expectations, including a comprehensive schedule and pathway at every seat level, set out clearly in the candidates’ compact.
Mover: 7 minutes; summation 4 minutes; all other speakers: 3 minutes. For eligibility and procedure for speaking in this debate, see pages 8–11 of the agenda.
The deadline for amendments to this motion is 13.00 Monday 10 March; see pages 13-14. Those selected for debate will be printed in Conference Extra and Saturday’s Conference Daily. The deadline for requests for separate votes is 09.00 Thursday 20 March; see page 9 of the agenda.
Constitutional amendments require a two-thirds majority to pass. The existing text of the Federal Constitution may be found here (see especially pages 30-31).