Vikki Slade
MP for Mid Dorset and North Poole
Housing, Communities and Local Government Spokesperson

Vikki Slade has lived in Broadstone with her family for over 25 years, she previously worked in financial services and ran a business on the high street where she found her love for community issues by running the local Chamber of Trade and getting stuck into community events.
Vikki has also worked in the charity sector and for the NHS before she was elected Leader of BCP Council in 2019 where she led the community through the Covid crisis.
She has used her experience of bringing up her family here in Dorset and supporting her mother through illness to inform her priorities. Her four children are now grown up - three are at university and the youngest is about to go into college - and she is committed to reform of business rates and planning policy so high streets can thrive again, providing low cost homes in town centres so we can protect the countryside, improving special educational needs and the experience of those children who are brought up in care so every child can thrive, improving public transport and rethinking care so older people can live in dignity.
Vikki believes in everyone having the opportunity to make the best of their lives, and wants to ensure that Dorset gets a fair deal. She said ‘its the most wonderful place to live and work but there are hidden issues and we must ensure that every resident and business can be part of a safe and strong community’
Get in touch
Office address
- 14 York Road, Broadstone, Dorset BH18 8ET
Social media