Wendy Chamberlain
MP for North East Fife
Chief Whip

Originally from Greenock, Wendy has lived in Fife since 2003 with her family.
Following her degree from Edinburgh University, Wendy joined Lothian and Borders Police in 1999, serving for 12 years as a Police officer. During this period she also worked part-time as a Communications Lecturer for the then Lauder College (now Fife College). She then worked at MoD Caledonia, Rosyth, as the Scottish Regional Employment and Training Manager on their military resettlement contract, supporting service veterans into positive employment outcomes before moving to work as a Capability Manager for Diageo. She became the first female Board Member of the Camanachd Association (the governing body for the amateur sport of shinty) in 2017. Wendy is also an Honorary VP at Carers UK and Director (unremunerated) at Fife Carers.
She was first elected to Parliament for the constituency of North East Fife in 2019 and re-elected in 2024. Wendy is the Deputy Leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats and Liberal Democrat Chief Whip.
During her time in Parliament Wendy passed the Carers Leave Act, and was highly involved in the campaign to End the Need for Foodbanks, standing up for Afghan Women and Girls, and promoting the golfing and Scotch Whisky industries. She has led cross party efforts to combat sleaze in Parliament and make it a safe and welcome working environment.
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