Munira Wilson
MP for Twickenham
Education, Children and Families Spokesperson

Munira has lived in Twickenham since 2005, and now lives with her husband and young children in Whitton. After a career working for health and children’s charities, the NHS and global science companies – as well as being a local councillor – she was elected to Parliament in 2019.
Munira was born in London to parents who came to the UK from Zanzibar. Like many immigrants, Munira’s parents left everything they knew in the hope of finding a better life, and the best education and opportunities for their children. As the Liberal Democrats' spokesperson on Education, Children and Young People, Munira carries this passion and legacy forward in her work.
Munira’s top priority is to safeguard our children’s future - for every child to breathe clean air, swim in clean water, eat healthy meals at school, and get the education they deserve to give them the best start in life. For too long, children and young people have been neglected in policy making, because children and young people are seen merely as a cost on the Government spreadsheet. Munira believes that investing in children is an investment not only in their futures, but in the future of society and the economy as a whole.
Apart from campaigning to extend free school meals to all primary school children, Munira’s single biggest priority since being elected has been children’s mental health.
Locally, Munira has championed residents’ concerns by opposing plans for a third runway at Heathrow, calling for improved air quality, holding South Western Railway and Network Rail to account over poor service, opposing Thames Water's proposals to pump treated sewage into the river at Teddington, and helping to tackle the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) funding crisis.
Get in touch
Phone number
Office address
- 15 Richmond Road, Twickenham, TW1 3AB
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