Black Sea deal: Trump has “had the wool pulled over his eyes”
EMBARGO: Immediate Release
Responding to reporting that the US “will help restore Russia’s access to the world market” as part of the Black Sea ceasefire, Calum Miller MP, Liberal Democrat Foreign Affairs Spokesperson, said:
“Russia has terrorised Ukraine and has been rightly shunned by the UK and our allies. There is no basis for removing sanctions while Russia continues to occupy Ukraine and menace other countries. The UK and our constant allies should hold firm.
“Trump has had the wool pulled over his eyes if he thinks this Black Sea deal is a fair swap for lifting Russian sanctions. In Trump’s world, Putin can have his cake and eat it: restored Russian access to world markets while he continues to raze Ukraine.
"The deal is an important first step toward just peace for Ukraine, but Putin will continue his illegal invasion across land and air to force Kyiv's submission. The UK and our allies must double down on our support for Zelensky, to compel Putin to back down from his goal of turning Ukraine into a vassal state."
Please see the reporting from the Guardian here.