Federal Communications and Elections Committee November update
FCEC considered a report from ALDC about next May’s local elections. In 2021 elections were held for the postponed 2020 elections as well as for the normal round in the election cycle. This has made analysis of potential more than usually challenging.
There are 2112 vacancies up for election with the Party defending 365. There are also 39 PCC and Mayoral Elections as well as London Mayoral and GLA. The party is defending control in 10 places.
FCEC is asking for a candidate selection update at each meeting. The detailed information includes analysis of those selected against protected characteristics. We also had an update on the agent certification process which is now mandatory for anyone wishing to be an agent in the General Election. To date over 200 have successfully completed the training.
FCEC understands that working collaboratively across the Party makes for a united team. Dysfunctional approaches harm successful campaigning. We discussed the value and importance in campaigning of residents’ surveys. Copies were circulated and can be found on the ALDC website and on Campaign Hub.