Federal People Development Committee January update
- Welcomed the new Welsh party rep Irfan Latif.
- Received a verbal update from Vice President Amna Ahmed on the work of the Diversity sub committee.
- Lynn Cunningham agreed to Chair our rebooted Membership working group to look at the most effective recruitment strategies across the party.
- Janey Little reported back on the Safeguarding and Welfare working group.
- Janey and Claire Hudson proposed a paper regarding DBS checks for staff working directly with members. This was approved unanimously and referred to Federal Board for approval.
- Ellie Hudspith updated the board on the work of the Whistleblowing sub-committee. The new policy is nearly complete but work is still ongoing to ensure it fits seamlessly with the complaints policy.
- The major part of the meeting was to meet to approve the following transfers from Associated Organisation to the new Affiliated Organisation system:
- Association of Liberal Democrat Councillors
- Green Liberal Democrats
- Liberal Democrat Campaign for Racial Equality
- Liberal Democrat European Group
- Liberal Democrat Women
- The board received a full written report from the training manager; there was a verbal update from Kerry Buist about the Election Agents Training.