Making Britain a science superpower

British scientists and researchers already punch above their weight. This technological innovation is essential to tackling the major challenges of our time; climate breakdown, conflict, economic stagnation, crumbling public services, and social unrest.
The last Conservative government utterly failed UK science and innovation with a total lack of strategy and interest. From their hostile attitude towards international collaboration and ideological hostility to sensible regulation, to the shambolic adoption of technology in the public sector and chaotic management of the economy putting off investment.
Now the new Labour Government risks making the same mistakes. Already they have cancelled the exascale supercomputer in Edinburgh, a short-sighted cost-saving measure, symbolic of their lack of vision and understanding of how science and technology works.
Liberal Democrats take a different approach, one grounded in our values of internationalism, respect for individual rights, and challenging concentrations of power.
Today we’re setting out the rescue plan that science and innovation in the UK needs:
- A national and international science and technology strategy that raises R&D spending to 3.5% of GDP.
- Measures to invest in education, including through a teacher workforce strategy to ensure every secondary school child is taught STEM subjects by a specialist.
- A National People Strategy alongside an industrial strategy to ensure the UK workforce has the necessary skills and people are protected from disruption.
- Measures to strengthen UK universities as world leaders in research including by fully participating in Horizon Europe, and enacting a decade-long program of increasing and improving research funding with a package of measures to improve spin-outs.
- Sensible regulation of AI, including a National AI Strategy.
- A comprehensive public sector technology policy and investment plan.
- Tackling regional inequality through a digital inclusion strategy, national investment in digital infrastructure and investing in local government.
- Investing in green technologies to help mitigate and adapt to the climate crisis.
Technological advances must be for the benefit of all in society, not just for wealthy and powerful individuals and institutions.
For technology to benefit the whole of society and deliver the maximum benefit, government must play a comprehensive and active role, showing leadership with a national and international strategy.
The Liberal Democrats' bold plan to restore UK leadership in science and innovation will drive investment, boost global collaboration, and ensure technology benefits everyone, not just the privileged few.