Prospective Scottish Parliamentary Candidates for the North-east Scotland Region.
The Regional Selection Committee for North-east Scotland invite applications for the selection of a list of nine Prospective Scottish Parliamentary Candidates for the North-east Scotland Region.
Potential applicants should contact the Returning Officer, John Lawrie 14 Greenhill Terrace Edinburgh EH 10 4BS
Phone – 0131-4473410 E-mail – for an Application Pack.
Applications must be received by the Returning Officer by 5pm on Friday 21 March.
Applicants not currently on the Party’s list of Approved Candidates at the close of applications will not be guaranteed consideration by the Regional Selection Committee. Applicants who are currently seeking approval, however, and reasonably expect to have completed the approval process by 31 March 2025 will be considered by the Regional Selection Committee. The Returning Officer can explain the approval process.
It is the responsibility of applicants to check that their applications have been received by the Returning Officer by the closing date.