ROGN 34a Dear Member This is your chance to take part in the selection of the next Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for the [Constituency] Westminster Constituency. We are now selecting…
ROGN 34a Dear Member This is your chance to take part in the selection of the next Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for the [Constituency] Westminster Constituency. We are now selecting…
The Local Party/REA of ….. invite applications for selection as PPC / Mayor / PCC Applicants should request an application pack from the Returning Officer by e-mail as detailed below. Note that…
Short Process Agree with the local party/REA date they wish to start process, how long it will take to copy / post members mailing and any preference for Hustings date. Timetable (Calendar days) …
Returning Officer Notes for Guidance in the selection of candidates of Parliamentary Candidates for Westminster seats and large single seats (Mayoral and PCC) ROGN Updated May 2022 (amendment to…
The following checklists are to support Returning Officers in carrying out their role. They are all for optional use and do not form part of, or replace, the rules. All Returning Officers should make…
Has the RCC advised you that the selection should use the shortened process (R8). As ARO’s it is likely that the majority, if not all, of your selections will be using the short process. However, it…
Date Activity/Action By Done Meeting with Local Executive. Contact Organisation Rule 8 RO/LP 1st meeting with Shortlisting Committee – decide Selection Criteria & contents of Application Pack …
1. Pre RO - diversity action 2. RO briefs Local Party Executive (LPE) on timetable. 3. LPE proposes names for Shortlisting Committee (SC) 4. RO approves membership/training of SC 5. RO…
Selection Rules Returning Officers may claim reasonable expenses incurred while carrying out their duties. They must claim these as soon as possible after the selection. Claims should be in line…
Candidate Statement and Diversity Form (ROGN 6b) ROGN 2021-1 Candidates should read the statements below and add their signature of acceptance: I acknowledge and consent that the Party will…