Historic Election Results
Find our archive of historical election results for Leader, Federal Committees and more from 1988 until present day here.
This archive was made possible thanks to the hard work and dilligent record keeping of Colin Rosenstiel.
Looking for elections from a specific year?
You can use the links below to jump to the relevant section.
Elections held in 2025
Elections held in 2024
Elections held in 2023
Elections held in 2022
Elections held in 2021
Elections held in 2020
Elections held in 2019
Elections held in 2018

Selection of a Candidate for the London Mayoral Election
Find the results of the 2018 election here

Selection of Candidates for the 2020 GLA List Election
Find the results of the 2018 election here
Elections held in 2017
Elections held in 2016
Elections held in 2015

Federal Executive Principal Councillors Election 2015
Find the results of the 2015 principal councillors election here

Federal Policy Committee Principal Councillors Election 2015
Find the results of the 2015 principal councillors election here
Elections held in 2014
Elections held in 2013

Federal Executive Principal Councillors Election
Find the results of the 2013 principal councillors election here
Elections held in 2012
Elections held in 2011

Federal Policy Committee Election
Find the results of the 2011 principal councillors election here
Elections held in 2010
Elections held in 2009
Elections held in 2008

Federal Policy Committee Election
Find the results of the 2008 principal councillors election here

English Representatives on Federal Committees Election
Find the results of the 2008 election here
Elections held in 2007
Elections held in 2006
Elections held in 2005

Federal Policy Committee Election
Find the results of the 2005 principal councillors election here
Elections held in 2004

Federal Policy Committee Election
Find the results of the 2004 principal councillors election here
Elections held in 2003

English Representative on Federal Conference Committee Election
Find the results of the 2003 election here
Elections held in 2002

English Representative on Federal Conference Committee Election
Find the results of the 2002 election here
Elections held in 2001

Federal Policy Committee Election
Find the results of the 2001 principal councillors election here

English Representative on Federal Executive Election
Find the results of the 2001 election here

English Representative on Federal Conference Committee Election
Find the results of the 2001 election here
Elections held in 2000